Messengers Circle

The Messengers Circle is a network of sites that are about Spirituality, the Spirit World and Connecting with the Spirit World.

Contact Information

Rachel Bemis
812 480 5591

My Facebook Page

Blog Archive


Order Card Readings

Card Readings

Order Paintings

Intuitive Paintings
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Order Info

Shipping Info:
Angel Card Readings will be emailed within 2 business days.
Paintings will be shipped within 5-7 business days. They should be received in 3-10 days depending on your location.

Packaging Info:
The readings will be come in padded box with instructions "Do NOT Bend" so as to preserve the integrity of the contents within.

Make sure the address is correct for both email and shipping.

Order Here:
Intuitive Readings

Intuitive Paintings

Angel Card Readings

Card Readings